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Press releases

Press releases of Lithuanian and foreign state and private entities, public organisations and individuals about their activities, achievements and events are published on the “Press releases” column.

The press release publishing service is paid. A client may upload a press release following provided instructions or may submit it to ELTA, which will review the material, correct the mistakes if necessary, upload the press release to the system and publish it.

Service rates depend on the chosen form of publishing of information and the amount of press releases.

Drafting of a press release by ELTA is possible, as well as additional dissemination on www.delfi.lt and www.lrytas.lt

Press release service rates in EUR excluding VAT (for clients publishing information on behalf of their organisation):

Rates valid as of 2024 07 01

 Number of press releases (units)
A press release when material is uploaded and published by the client following provided instructions-150,00250,00500,00800,001 100,002 000,00
A press release when material is reviewed (mistakes are corrected if necessary), uploaded and published by ELTA45,00200,00350,00750,001 250,002 000,004 000,00
Drafting of a press release by ELTA300,001 350,00-----

Press release service rates in EUR excluding VAT (for clients publishing information on behalf of their organisation and third parties):

Rates valid as of 2024 07 01

 Pranešimų žiniasklaidai skaičius (vnt.)
A press release when material is uploaded and published by the client following provided instructions-600,001050,001900,002800,004800,00
A press release when material is reviewed (mistakes are corrected if necessary), uploaded and published by ELTA45,00850,001550,002900,004800,008800,00
Drafting of a press release by ELTA300,00-----

Additional information:

  • Rates are provided excluding VAT.
  • Please pay the invoice before starting to use the service.
  • The purchased number of press releases has to be published:  
    • up to 25 units – within 6 months since the day the invoice is paid;
    • 50 and more units – within 12 months since the invoice is paid.
  • Individuals who publish press releases and organisations they represent are responsible for the content of press releases. When publishing a press release the client must observe the country’s laws and the presumption of innocence, respect the rights of intellectual property and inviolability of human privacy, and not to disseminate fake information.
  • The standard length of a press release drafted by ELTA is up to 2,000 characters. It is prepared within 5 business days.


For more information or ordering the service:

+370 682 55520

[email protected]

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Publication of press releases is a paid service.
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Atsiprašome, šiuo metu pranešimas redaguojamas
Redaguoja Jonas Jonaitis
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