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About ELTA

Both a century ago and today, ELTA is the first to provide information about the upcoming events in Lithuania, about important historic dates in Lithuania and in the world, and about the news from the Lithuanian and global press.

The newsfeed on the website www.elta.lt is accessed everyday by the President’s Office, the Government, the Parliament, ministries and other state institutions, staff of diplomatic representations in Lithuania and abroad, CEOs of Lithuanian and foreign companies and organisations, their employees and private users.
Politics, business, sports and culture news in the Lithuanian, English and Russian languages are prepared for clients in Lithuania and abroad, while press releases are published in all other languages using Latin alphabet letters.


ELTA photobank contains over a million archival photos from Lithuania and abroad. For a long time ELTA was the sole photo chronicler in Lithuania. Therefore, its diligently compiled photo archive is especially valuable for local and foreign media, various institutions, encyclopaedias, researchers and private individuals. Photos taken after 1985 are stored by ELTA, whereas photos taken earlier are kept at the Lithuanian Central State Archives.

Today ELTA provides a wide range of photo services. Its photographers take pictures of daily events in politics, business, culture, law enforcement and sports. Photos of cities, landscapes and people are also taken as well as shots from unexpected angles that are used as associative images.

Both state institutions and private companies can hire experienced photographers for their events and photo sessions. Clients may order both photo and video services for the same event. Photo and video footage is taken from all events held at the ELTA press conference hall.

ELTA announces the daily schedule of events that would be photographed, which is sometimes subject to changes in case of unforeseen events.
We are actively cooperating with our old partner epa, the European pressphoto agency covering global breaking news.


For half a century Lithuanian news agency ELTA operated from a historic building in Vilnius Old Town, Gediminas Ave. 21, but has moved to a modern office on the 11th floor of business centre VERTAS.

Located at Gynėjų St. 16 in Vilnius, ELTA offers a modern press conference hall open to everyone with the possibility of live broadcasts of presentations, meetings or debates. The press conference hall has comfortable workplaces for editors, journalists, translators or administrative staff.

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Publication of press releases is a paid service.
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Video is a paid service.
Please contact us by email at [email protected]
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Redaguoja Jonas Jonaitis
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