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News and photography subscription

Lithuanian news agency ELTA publishes over 600 articles and photos daily on key events in Lithuania and abroad. It provides news, daily press reviews and an ELTA guide: a summary of key upcoming events and photo reports, anniversaries, dates and astrology forecasts. ELTA was the first in Lithuania to apply the genres of interviews and commentaries that were unusual for agencies but have become common since.

Lithuanian and foreign news is classified into the categories of politics, business, law enforcement, sports and culture. News articles are supplemented with photo reports. News about key developments in Lithuania is translated into the English and the Russian languages.

The main subscribers of ELTA news agency include: the President's Office, the Prime Minister's Office, the Office of the Parliament, ministries, departments, municipalities, embassies of foreign countries in Lithuania, Lithuanian and foreign media (newspapers, radio stations, TV channels, news websites) as well as Lithuanian and foreign business, science and culture enterprises and private individuals. Numerous regional and district media outlets are among the subscribers, too. ELTA is proud to serve many district newspapers that have been subscribers since their founding.

Anyone who wishes to try out ELTA services can fill in a registration form and access the news feed free of charge for two weeks.

ELTA news is classified into topics: Lithuanian and foreign politics news; Lithuanian and foreign business news; Lithuanian and foreign law enforcement news; Lithuanian and foreign social affairs and culture news; Lithuanian and foreign sports news. The topics are divided into subtopics and are discussed with subscribers when concluding contracts.

ELTA offers subscribing to the entire newsfeed or only to certain topics in the Lithuanian, English and/or Russian languages. We try to be as flexible as possible as every subscriber has specific needs. However, prices of separate information packages are not published, with an exception of participation in public procurement, of course.

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